Sometimes reaching out to people may save some's life...

About a month ago, I was perusing through Craigslist, because I have nothing better to do and I was feeling pretty shitty about myself when I came across a personal ad.  (I have no idea how I got there really!)
The subject line was "o.O Im alone. Even in a crowd."
The title alone was intriguing so as I read the actual body of the ad, I realized it was a suicide note
The person writing the personal ad said that they've had enough of the bullshit and the liars of the world. 
That "cutting" was no longer numbing the pain that they felt. 
That there was no happiness in this world at all. That there was nothing but pain and misery in his future. 
And that they were going to end it all and nobody would even notice because they were alone.
And in pain.

My first thought was, "No, surely, they don't mean what they say. Maybe he just want's someone to comfort them in a weird sexual way." 
But it kept gnawing at me. 
What if its true
What if I just read someone's final moments on this earth and no one, no one even replied to even see if they're okay? 
Maybe that person could have been saved----No ----could still be saved?

So I wrote to the automated craigslist email that is provided for everyone for anonymity.

This is what I wrote:
"I know how you feel. There are people in this world who will always try to bring us down using words as powerful as a weapon.There are people who claim to be our friend but end up being backstabbers and thieves. There are people who will try to cheat us and succeed or fail, because its been done to them too and that's all they know.
There are people who tell us sweet, honey covered lies that make us BELIEVE that its real. We turn our face way from the truth. Choose to ignore all the warning signs. Choose to pretend that we are okay, when in fact, we are not "fine." "It's your fault," they'll say, "You didn't show me you cared." or "You never paid any attention to me." Or the ironic "You've changed. You're not you anymore."And then the final blow then end with, "can't do this anymore." Really, you can't do this anymore when you didn't do shit from the start. And they get angry, like they're the ones who gave any effort in what we fought so hard to keep a live. Wasted efforts.We chose to be blind, to trust our ears despite our gut screaming that there is something wrong and yet they tell us this?  We put up walls of false pretenses to distance ourselves from reality, from the truth. Because, in truth, we fear of being alone. Of waking one day and realizing that we waited, stayed silent, endured, gave up, and regretted for too long. We tend to look towards the future as a goal, as a salvation, an escape from the PRESENT..... but we don't realize that the NOW is a direct influence our future. If you could be happy now, you'll be happy then too. Live for today because its the now. The future is not written in stone and it's always changing. Only you can write your future with the choices and decisions you make right now.
For me, I choose to happy, with or without you. Wouldn't you?
If you don't like the story of your life, turn the page and rewrite it.
Forever Optimistic,~LadyKumkuat"
Of course I wasn't expecting an answer, so it came to me as a surprise when I received a corresponding message only an hour after I sent it.
"Thanks that was really helpful. It's appreciated. I've tried reaching out all my friends some of my family. My ex. Nothing. Doctors don't care. Cops want to just lock you up. I try to be a good person. I treat others with respect and compassion. I try to keep and open mind and be fair. But it's seems that because I can't be happy that I'm to hard to put up with. I wish it were so simple as just being happy. But it's not. And I feel so alone. But thank you. You took the time out of your day to try and help someone you don't even know. And probably saved my life. Or at the very least made this very moment bearable. Thank you kind stranger. God bless you, (Name*
 I stared at my computer and for what I think was eternity (but it really only was a few minutes).
I read then reread what this person had wrote back and I felt good even though all I had done was to take a few minutes of my time to reach out to this person.
Who cared if my loved life sucked? 
I felt alive and thankful for everything I had in my life. 
There are people out there who have bigger problems than mine.

So folks, the moral of my story here is, reach out to other people. We are all humans and we need to feel that someone cares. Lend a shoulder, lend an ear, lend an hand, lend a hug. You never know when life will kick you down. You never know when you will need that helping hand. Just reach out to someone, ANYONE, and I guarantee that they will be glad you did.


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