Scottish men are hotter than English men?!!
So a recent study shows that Scottish lovers are more passionate than English lovers.
On a scale of 1 (being I'd get More Action From a Robot)
10 (being Toe Curling and Amazing so Lets do it Again)
Not only are Scotsmen a heart-warming nine for their romantic efforts, but also an eight for their sense of humour and their generosity.

Need more convincing?
So Ladies (and Gentlemen), although Scotsmen did not win in the looks department, they made up a LOT in the bed department and everything else in between....pun intended.

Do yourselves a favor and find yourself a Scotsmen (or and Englishman).
On a scale of 1 (being I'd get More Action From a Robot)
10 (being Toe Curling and Amazing so Lets do it Again)
"Scottish men earned a near-perfect nine for their passion and their kissing skills.
English men, on the other hand, scored a measly 5 for passion, and a barely-better six for their attempts at lip-locking."The results?
"On average, Scottish men scored 7.7 out of 10 across 11 categories, while English men only scored 6.2 in a survey of almost 1400 female members of a dating site."
Not only are Scotsmen a heart-warming nine for their romantic efforts, but also an eight for their sense of humour and their generosity.

Need more convincing?
- Scotsmen last long in bed as well as their level of expertise and are pretty skilled if you know what I'm sayin'.
- Scottish accents ranked higher than English accents. I mean you HAVE to admit, hearing a Scottish accent (like Gerald Butler, Sean Connery, James McAvoy, and Ewan McGregor just to name a few) does naughty things to your lady bits (or man bits).
However, all is not lost for Englishmen, as their good looks earned them a 9, compared with a woeful 5 for Scots.
So Ladies (and Gentlemen), although Scotsmen did not win in the looks department, they made up a LOT in the bed department and everything else in between....pun intended.

Do yourselves a favor and find yourself a Scotsmen (or and Englishman).
I certainly want one!!!
Also on a side note, I Googled "men in kilts" and nearly passed out with the amount of sexy images. My head is swimming in images of men in kilts, HALF NAKED MEN IN KILTS.
And apparently Scots wear NOTHING under their kilts.
Oh. My. God. That's hot!
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