Cat Diary Episode 78
October 6th 2019

So a few months ago I posted on Facebook about a neighborhood feral cat who didn't like anyone after its owner died. Since then, almost everyday, Billie Boo has been taking time out of her very important day to come and greet me.
Today she did the craziest thing.
Normally in the morning on my way to my car to go to work, she hears me coming and meows to me good morning or walks me to the outside gate.
This morning I came down, I hear her meowing and see she's on the second floor of the staircase on the ramparts next to mine which is weird because she never goes up any stairs. I wave tell her good morning and rush off to my car not thinking anything besides it's strange.
Later, coming back home from work Billie Boo is chilling inside the gate relaxing in some rocks. I locked my car and made my way to pet Billie Boo like I always do, then headed off to my apartment which is on the third floor. And guess which sassy feline decided to follow me?
First she blocked my path with her white little furred body. Meowing in that rusty meow of hers and showing all but a neon sign that flashed "PET ME NOW"
I petted her then walked one step over her so that I could head to my apartment.
And she still followed. Racing ahead of me to the second floor and patiently meowing and waiting for me.
Gave her a quick pat then bypassed her, and STILL she ran ahead of me all the way to the third floor where she made it absolutely clear that I was not petting her like she wanted me to.
This is a new step in out feline human friendship. Never before had she EVER followed me to the third flood let alone walk right inside my apartment like she owned the damn place once the door of my apartment opened. She walked inside my apartment and looked at every crook and cranny to see if there was anything that fit her fancy before walked right outside where I stood stupefied.
Is it crazy of me to think we have moved quite fast into this relationship or just purrfectly so?
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