China! Ready or not, here I come!

So, as some of you may know,  I am going on an awesome trip to China!
I am excited, happy, and looking forward to exploring, doing things I have never done and seeing things I've never seen. I go to China with a completely open mind. I expect nothing. For me, doing this will leave little room for any disappointment or negative thoughts I keep hearing about China as a country. To be brutally honest, I can safely tell you that I am absolutely terrified. Terrified that I'll be judged for just being myself. Terrified, that I'll fail and be forced to come back with my tail between my legs because I don't have it in me. Terrified that I'm going this millions of miles away from my family (okay just a few thousand). I'm afraid of being lonely and crying myself to sleep every night wondering if I'm doing the right thing.
I'm afraid of being afraid.
But it's okay.  I am human and I am allowed to feel these things. It's a big step and the outcome of this experience will be rewarding.
Even now, as I wait to board my flight for Beijing, I still hold a little bit of fear and anxiousness but its overruled by excitement and anticipation of this great adventure waiting for me.
I'll keep you all posted. 😏


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