Random thoughts

Have you ever seen that one movie or read that one book that fills you with so much emotion, you become a wreck by simply the half of the whole thing?
The one that makes you feel so wrapped up in the characters, and you grow with them, emotionally attaching yourself to the main character because you feel you understand him...
Or her.
And then, as you are nearing the end of the story, you are a sobbing mess of emotions so thick you can barely breathe.
You feel hot.
Your heart pounds in your chest.
You feel excitement,
a wild tide of feelings that you can't ....
won't settle on one in particular.
You are happy for the ending, but you begin to feel empty because you return,
to your body,
your own feelings,
your own story.
You wonder how you would act if it was you in the place of the hero...
or villain,
or monster.
or foe.
That feeling that there is something more.
An ache in your chest, a sort of hollowness takes place.
We day dream, lost in ourselves and the wreckage, post-story.
Would you have done the same?
Would you have loved that woman or loved that man instead of the other?
Would you have killed or would you have spared their life?
Would you have walked away or fought for what you believed?
Question after question, shifts through your mind.
But then we remember its just a story.
Its not real.
You, here, now...?
That's real.
And as much as you turn every scenario in your head of what should have been or what we'd do, we cannot actually live the fantasy.
It is a make belief that is most improbable.
And that's probably why, after our brains sorts out the reality from the imagination, we feel muted.
Simple shells of what we could be...?
Should be...?
Of who we really are...?
This is a question, only you can answer if you can relate to falling in love with a character in a story.


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