Happy Mothers Day to ALL the Mothers of the World... You deserve this day!

Happy Mothers Day!
I never forget Mother's Day, because it always manages to land on my birthday or my birthday week. So I'm constantly fighting my mother for attention (not that hard but still I try). For example, last year, my birthday was EXACTLY on MOTHER'S DAY. And to top it off, I was really sick that day. My boyfriend at the time, came to wish me and my mother a happy day, but I was asleep. He arrived at 10AM. I didn't wake up until 4PM. Not that I wanted to. Just that I woke up at 7 in the morning and has a nasty fever and cough and sore throat, and couldn't even hear from either ear, and every time I swallowed, it felt like I was trying to swallow a cactus. So my dad gave me a medicine that totally knocked me out cold for hours.

Anyways, I want to thank every mother in this world, big or small, furry or bald, human or animal, doesn't matter who she is or what she is, she is a mother. You deserve this day. Hell, you deserve a year, but that wouldn't be fair to the rest of the holidays so you get today in particular.
We couldn't have done it without you, moms. No seriously, we couldn't. Have you ever hear of someone giving birth to themselves? (No I'm not talking about the figure-of-speech way so that doesn't count) Of course not cause its impossible.
You know, Mother's Day in Mexico is May 10th and a biiiig deal. I mean considering practially half of the men in Mexico still live with their mothers... even the married ones!
Unfortunately for me, my mother is in Mexico at the moment, visiting her own mother, or maybe she is out exploring different parts of Mexico. I dunno, I haven't called her yet.

Then tomorrow, is my birthday! Yay!


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