Do you remember when Jacky Chan and Chris Tucker in the fighting scene and they caught themselves from plunging to their deaths by hanging off the bamboo in one of the shots of Rush Hour 2? Chris Tucker was like "Lord Jesus, I don't wanna die!" And Jackie Chan said: "Don't worry...." Well, he's right. Chinese Bamboo is so strong and so cheap that its used as scaffolding instead of metal here in Hong Kong and some parts of developing Asian countries. I was taken aback by how many buildings were constructed with bamboo as scaffolding material as opposed to the more modern metal scaffolding. A quick search over the internet discovered that there are three types of bamboo scaffolding and a bigger decline of jobs in the bamboo scaffolding business due to the younger generation not seeing bamboo as a safe material and prefer jobs with metal scaffolding. Construction car heading to their work site with bamboo in their cab. Now. If ever th...