Tiger Hill, the Leaning Tower of China

In Suzhou, around 496 B.C. a Emperor by the name He Lu, King of the Wu State was killed during the war fought against the Yue State. His son buried him on the hill and three days after the funeral a white tiger came and sat upon the grave as though guarding it. From that time on it has been known as Tiger Hill. A few hundred years later, the octagonal Pagota of Tiger hill was built, the Hu Qiu Tower. Standing at 158 feet (47m) high and 7 stories high, is completely made of stone, with a masonry structure meant to imitate wood structured pagotas of that era. Over the many, many years, it began leaning to its current state of 10 feet (2.32m) to the right, making this ancient almost 2500 year old pagoda, the Leaning Tower of China. This one of my favorite place that I went to go visit in Suzhou. Everywhere you turned you felt at peace by the beautiful lush greenery and the soul calming architecture. And somewhere hidden in these mountains were a coup...