
Showing posts from April, 2015

Count down: T minus 21 days

Hey guys. So I've been pretty M.I.A on my beloved blog. I've been busy with life like most of us are. Sometimes I have time to write things down and other times I'm too tired.  Well, worry no more. I am back and I am starting a new path in life abroad in China where I'll pretty much ONLY have time to do things like writing while living life in China. (I shall later explain a little something called the Great Firewall) Now you may be wondering "Why China?" The answer is that they're always on demand for English speaking teachers who fit their teaching criteria. And while I have heard a few scary stories about teaching in China, I have also heard a LOT more positive and amazing stories about being a teacher there too that kind of out weigh the few bad things about this whole thing. Now, for some people, not knowing a language would probably deter them from going through that experienced.  However, being the adventurous Taurus that I am, I see this more as a ...