MegaMind~! An awesome movie!!!
I have been dying to get my hands on a DVD of the movie MegaMind! Today, my nephew, a 9 year old genius, miraculously downloaded a copy of it on to his PS3 and allowed me to watch it with him. And I LOVED IT!! I think I loved it more than my nephew (of course he's seen it like 5 times already so for him its no biggie). I was laughing through the entire movie and it was a truly wonderful movie of the cliche "Good overcomes Evil." What I would have liked to see though, was what his parents wanted to tell him at the beginning of the movie. "You are destined to be..." to be what? Good (i.e. superhero)? Bad (i.e. supervillan)? Super genius? Normal? That ominous last words from his parents seemed to be the main point of the whole movie. Who we are vs. who we are supposed to be. Does this makes sense, because to me it does. Sort of. Small spoiler: MegaMind does not have any superpower. The only thing he really has is his blue tinted skin, (not to mention his lack of ha...